ShippingShipping is $9.99 per order. Estimated lead time is 2 to 3 business days. Our products are shipped via Fed Ex Ground. Rush orders are available but please call us at 908-354-0970 for availability of product and for the associated shipping charges.
Product infoOur baked goods are shelf-stable but we do recommend you refrigerate for extended keeping. And all of our products can be frozen.
ProductsIn addition to the breads, babkas and filled danish strips, we also bake strudels, muffins, danish, donuts, cakes and pies. Currently we are offering a limited selection of baked items through our website.
Finding our baked goodsWe sell wholesale, retail and to institutions. If
you would like to know where you can buy our products locally, please
call us at 908-354-0970. You can also find us in person in the
places listed below.